This is a story structure designed by Dan Harmon (links to his explanations in the References). It is sometimes called Harmon's 8 Point Story Circle. However, I will call it the Story Octagon . The Cambellian Hero's Journey is already taking up the "circular story structure" spot in the public consciousness, and so this makes it more distinct. Explaining the Story Octagon Dan Harmon explains it like this: A character is in a zone of comfort, But they want something. They enter an unfamiliar situation, Adapt to it, Get what they wanted, Pay a heavy price for it, Then return to their familiar situation, Having changed. Or, You Need Go Search Find Take Return CHANGE Details You ESTABLISH A PROTAGONIST Give the audience a likeable protagonist, with their starting situation. Need SOMETHING AIN'T QUITE RIGHT You show what the protagonist needs/wants. What is missing from their life? This is where they might receive (and refuse and accept) a call to adventure. Or, the...