BOOKTONE: The reader personality test
Booktone is a personality test for readers and books. Take the test here: VIDEO OVERVIEW: The Types DIAGNOSING A BOOK: 1. Determine if the book is emotionally or intellectually driven. Does the average person enjoy this book more with their heart or their head? EMOTIONAL: Makes you feel things. Many very dramatic moments in the book. Likely to make you laugh/cry. Would inspire many fanarts. INTELLECTUAL: Makes you think. Many things to analyze in the book. Feels like Literature. Would inspire many fan theories. 2. Determine the color focus of the book. When the average person is summarizing the book, what do they focus on? ATMOSPHERE: Setting, writing style (prose), themes, philosophy, vibes CHARACTER: Character arcs, relationships PLOT: Stakes, action, puzzles RESOURCES GRAPH TEMPLATES USING GOODREADS Google sheets graphs template: