
The different levels of spoilers: Spoiler Dials

🚦Spoiler dial explanation: ↳ FREE 🟢: no major plot points ↳ MODERATE 🟡: plot details, but no twists ↳ ALL 🔴: will change your emotional experience A video explaining these more in depth: SPOILER FREE 🟢 This level does not include details of the plot past the premise of the story. Can also include small, insignificant plot points beyond the basic premise.  MODERATE SPOILERS 🟡 This level includes plot points (major and minor) from any portion of the story. However, it does not include plot points that significantly change the way you see the story (plot twists, surprising character deaths, significant subversions of expectations). ALL THE SPOILERS 🔴 These are the spoilers that change how you experience a story. By receiving these spoilers, a person will have their emotional journey with a story significantly changed. This can include dramatic twists, tragic character deaths, answers to mysteries, etc.  FREE DOWNLOADS! Let's spread this three-